
On my walk today… it was a misty morning and I got out early enough to beat the heat. Of course I did the usual walk to the malecón. When I reached the point I looked at the rocks below to see if I could spot any stingrays. I saw a couple last week. None today. Two dogs on the beach play fight. One man fishes, others get ready. Soft waves today. Time for coffee, heading home.

lowered my blood pressure

I changed my diet to a plant based one back in February. I have cut out red meat but I still give myself permission to eat whatever I want. I eat a lot of beans for protein and only occasionally chicken. Overall I have made a hugh shift. The good news is that my blood pressure has dropped quite a bit. Never thought it would be possible but I may be able to drop the pills for hypertension. Of course I’ll see my cardiologist first. Small, regular additions to my exercise level must be contributing to this result.

Couldn’t help but share these sunset colors out my front door😎

A lovely sight the other morning.

I’ve been enjoying sweet moments like this as I get my 8000 steps in each day.

Morning walk watching the surfers waiting for waves… there were lots out today.

I started a new diet focusing on plants for protein and although this is exciting it is definitely outside my comfort zone. And day two, I came down with a bug. Hopefully I will be better tomorrow; need to exercise. 🏊‍♂️

My friend was on vacation at a beautiful casa overlooking the bay of Manzanillo. So glad she contacted me to come visit as I live just an hour away. It was a sweet reunion.

Chess club Tuesday. Note that the clean livers are at the table to the right. 😂

I’m preparing to do The Living Proof Challenge 2024. The tests I need to take are ones I am interested in checking out anyway. I’m most curious about my bone density. theproof.com/livingpro…

The water is sure to be cold and I will do my daily swim. There is never a question of “do I feel like it?” This is how my commitment to swimming works. 🏊‍♂️

The highlight of my day was learning about Napoleon from my well schooled friend. History was never a strong subject for me so when I acknowledged that I didn’t know much about Napoleon she filled me in. So, I’m basically happy to learn something new and take advantage of my educated friend. Of course this was in the middle of our Spanish studies; you know how ithat can go.

Long ago I did a course that included a fast paced run, full tilt boogie. At the finish line the theme song to Rocky played. I loved that. My theme for 2024 will be completion, fulfillment and doing what I say I will do.

Yesterday I made an abrupt movement near my screen door and a bird in the hedge took flight; spooked. This morning I found what was left behind.

Lucy’s Paradise on a quiet night.


There’s an outdoor music venue next door to my apartment. I’m listening to a brass band and playing chess online. Life is good😎

Maybe I should start a list and add ‘make a profile photo for micro.blog’.

All of my files are a mess. I used to be very organized and then I turned on iCloud Drive. It shouldn’t be confusing but it became that way. I need to clean things up a bit. 😬

The lagoon side of my town.

Dutch pancakes for breakfast are always a hit.

Chili omelette was good. My friends had never heard of this before.

This is the corner close to my home. It is a hub in our little town offering tacos, local pharmacy needs and a doctor, as well as being the main bus stop here. Always something going on and friends to say hi … or adiós.

I decided to learn a little bit about Kwanzaa and discovered that my new calendar book starts on December 26. How perfect. In the meantime, Merry Christmas everyone. 😎